Before & After Photos
Drag circle left and right to see Results of Home Organizing with Suzi


Suzi is extremely professional and knowledgeable about personalities and how best to implement an organizing plan that will not be daunting and will be something that is easy to stick with and follow through – my own Guest Bedroom is a work in progress! I have been very happy referring clients of mine to Suzi and have heard nothing but the highest of praise for her help.

I don’t know what I would do without Suzi in my life to organize me! I love how she individualized her approach to each person she works with. She goes through everything you own and helps you determine if it is something you should keep or if it is time to get rid of it, then she puts everything back in a way that makes sense. She will go to the store and purchase items that are needed to make the space work more efficiently and the finished product is always so amazing. She is worth every penny!